Nutritional therapy is a form of complementary therapy where nutrition science is applied to enhance and support your physical and mental wellbeing.
Foods is medicine and as nutritional therapist we are extensively trained to use the therapeutic properties of food and nutrients to support different conditions focussing on client unique situation, individual needs and biochemical individuality.
To implement change takes time and effort, there are no magic quick fixes, this is why I offer a minimum of three session as a starting package for who is ready to dive deep into the whys of their feeling of anxiety and overwhelm and find the solutions for their unique situation.

I have seen homeopathy working and working again on me, my family and the hundreds of clients that have consulted with me during the last 15 years of practice.
My job is to understand you and your symptoms, understand patterns and find remedies that resonate with you.
Symptoms are the body’s way of communicating with us, we need to listen.
As a Homeopath there is not a one size fits all treatment so even if you and a family member have the same symptoms or condition you won’t necessarily get the same treatment plan because your journeys have been entirely different and unique.
During our appointments I gather information from your past, such as your family history, medical history, exposure to environmental toxins, lifestyle and social life, work life, trauma, relationships. With this information
I will check for patterns and then devise your specific plan among the tools I am trained to use:
- Homeopathic mother tincture
- Homeopathic Remedies
- Biochemical Tissue salts
- Stress Management techniques
- Movement therapy advice