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Homeopathy for compulsive Skin Picking and Hair Pulling

Skin picking disorder (Dermatillomania) and hair pulling disorder (Trichotillomania) can be a consequence of trauma, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders. Compulsive skin picking  is  characterised by the repetitive picking of the skin to an extent where damage is caused. Skin picking can be repetitive and ritualistic and it can be a way to reduce tension. […]

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Is coffee good or bad for you?

I am Italian and I love coffee!  I love its aroma in the morning especially if it comes from a Moka, a traditional Italian cafetière as it brings back sweet memories of Italy and family. Italians like their coffee strong, in a warm espresso cup, and more than often they take it while standing. With […]

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How to tame anxiety in lockdown

Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety As the weeks pass by and we are asked to stay at home for a longer period of time some of us may experience a great deal of anxiety about the current situation, about not being able to hug family and friends and not be able move freely, some of us […]

My very own online course

Now you can learn how to use homeopathy for your family’s health! For the last months, I have been busy working to create an online homeopathy course for the whole family. I am happy to say that it is finally ready and that I am proud of the end result.It is probably hard for me […]